Obat AquaPro Floxacite 10 gram adalah antibiotik yang efektif untuk mengatasi penyakit pada ikan, terutama yang disebabkan oleh bakteri seperti fin rot dan sindrom nekrosis bercak hitam.
- Aksi Antibakteri: Obat ini bekerja dengan cara menghentikan replikasi DNA bakteri, membantu menghentikan perkembangan infeksi.
- Resistensi Tinggi: Mampu melawan patogen yang tidak responsif terhadap obat lain, menjadikannya pilihan yang efektif untuk kasus-kasus infeksi sulit.
- Penggunaan yang Mudah:
- 1 scoop dilarutkan dalam 40 liter air sebelum ditambahkan ke bak karantina.
- Rendam ikan selama satu jam.
- Ulangi setiap hari selama 5-7 hari dengan penggantian air harian setelah setiap perlakuan untuk hasil terbaik.
Antibiotic that exerts bactricidal action such as fin rot, black patch necrosis syndrome
Works to stop bacteria from replicating DNA
Work against pathogens that don’t respond to other antibiotics
When one or more of your fish are dealing with a bacterial infection, the whole tank suffers. You can help your finned friends feel better and watch your aquarium thrive again with Aquapro Floxacite. This synthetic, broad spectrum medication is used treat different strains of bacteria that can plague your fish. It can help combat several common diseases, including fin rot, saddleback disease and black patch necrosis. AquaPro Floxacite formula is even flexible enough to fight fresh and salt water furunculosis. Plus, it works to stop bacteria from replicating or repairing its DNA—so it may work against pathogens that don’t respond to other antibiotics.
Pre-dissolve 1 scoop in 40 litre of water prior to adding to a quarantine tank. Immerse for one hour. Repeat every day for 5-7 days with daily water changes after each treatment.
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