AquaPro Arowana Trace adalah formula khusus yang dirancang untuk memberikan mineral penting yang diperlukan untuk kesehatan dan vitalitas ikan Arowana.
Menjaga Kesehatan
Meningkatkan Vitalitas
Mineral ini memainkan peran penting dalam menjaga pertumbuhan yang tepat dan vitalitas ikan Arowana Anda.
Mudah Digunakan:
Langkah-langkah sederhana untuk penggunaan rutin, cukup tambahkan 1 penutup (5 mL) untuk setiap 80 L air dua kali seminggu.
Kocok Sebelum Digunakan:
Tetap Aman dan Efektif:
Harap tetap di luar jangkauan anak-anak dan hindari menelan produk ini.
Made in Taiwan
AquaPro Arowana Trace is specifically formulated to provide essential trace elements necessary for the health and vitality of Arowana fish. These elements play a crucial role in maintaining proper growth and overall well-being. Unlike terrestrial animals, fish like Arowana obtain nutrients not only from their food but also from their aquatic environment. Regular supplementation is essential to replenish trace elements depleted through utilization, oxidation, and precipitation. AquaPro Arowana Trace supports optimal health and growth of Arowana fish, maintains nutrient balance in the aquarium environment and contains scientifically validated trace elements essential for Arowana fish.
AquaPro Arowana Trace is formulated with carefully selected trace elements required by Arowana, also promotes vibrant colors and natural behavior.
Add 1 capful (5 mL) for every 80 L twice a week.
Shake well before use.
For Aquarium use only, KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.
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