With its 6 watt consumption at 3000 l/h, and 16.5 watts at 8500 l/h, the new Sicce XStream-E has an efficiency between 500 and 515 l/watt. A really good value for a pump with an adjustable flow.
To make the point clearer we can compare it to the slightly more powerful Nanostream6095, its direct rival, which also has an adjustable flow. The latter moves 9500 liters per hour with a 21 watt power consumption, for an efficiency of 452 w/l; the XStream-E is 10% more efficient. Pumps with much higher flow rates like the new Ecotech Marine Vortech MP40QD, have a 17200 l/h flow rate and an efficiency of 607 watt/l. Its well known that much higher flow rates result in better efficiency.
Note : Untuk barang pecah belah harus menggunakan asuransi, kami tidak akan melayani klaim jika barang anda tidak diasuransikan
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